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Call for Abstracts: IDEA-UNAULA-UnIbagué-REDETICA 2021 Congress

Call for Abstracts: IDEA-UNAULA-UnIbagué-REDETICA 2021 Congress


Conference presentations, call for abstracts:

 IDEA-UNAULA-UnIbagué-REDETICA 2021 Congress

Twelfth Congress of the International Development Ethics Association (IDEA)

Development in times of conflict: ethical pathways towards peace and justice

Medellin, Colombia, February 1st – 3rd, 2021

Abstracts due: 15 June 2020


A trilingual conference, with opportunity for video-conference participation. The Universidad Autónoma LatinoAmericana(UNAULA), Universidad de Ibagué (UnIbagué), Red para la formación ética y ciudadana (REDETICA) and International Development Ethics Association (IDEA) invite scholars, practitioners, policy makers, and other interested parties to submit proposals for presentations at a conference on the theme of “Development in times of conflict: ethical pathways towards peace and justice.” The convening organizations invite submissions from practitioners and academics concerning the current Colombian context and concerning ethics in the context of development generally. Full details and submission instructions:

CFP English:

CFP Espanol:

CFP Portugues:


 April 17, 2020